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Richard and Bob

Home Sharing from April 2020-September 2021
Richard (89) had been living in his Arvada home for 40+ years and created a beautiful home for him and his family. After his wife passed away and he began having more health challenges he found Sunshine Home Share. He didn’t like the lonely evenings and needed some help with yardwork and mowing and thought someone that liked the same things he did would be a great fit. Before meeting his latest home share match, Bob, he successfully home shared with another program participant. His old roommate was accepted into an affordable housing unit (yay!) and Richard decided he enjoyed the experience enough to seek out another roommate. Bob (77) was living in Wyoming before hearing about home sharing from his daughter. He was interested in home sharing and moving back to Colorado to be closer to his family and have a home again. He owned his own homes throughout his life and missed the chores/tasks that come with living in one. He was eager for some companionship and purpose in his daily life as well. When we first introduced Richard and Bob they hit it off immediately, like two ‘good ol’ boys’ hanging out in the West Wing (a sunroom that Richard sits in daily). They met right before COVID started to peak and agreed that with safety measures they would continue with the home sharing process. Bob wasa tremendous help with helping Richard navigate sudden health challenges, helping Richard with the yardwork, and both gave each other support through companionship and friendship.